
How To Write A Great Podcast Description

Writing a good podcast description is fundamental to ensuring your podcast stands out from the crowd.

31 ago 2022

With hundreds of new shows being launched daily, it’s essential to nail the details if you want your podcast to stand out from the crowd. This guide will teach you how to write a good podcast description.

What Is A Podcast Description?

A podcast description introduces your podcast as a whole or an individual podcast episode to a potential listener. It will significantly impact the listener’s decision to hit ‘Play’ or pass your podcast. As such, it’s something you have to get just right if you want your podcast to grow.

Types Of Podcast Description

When you read the term “podcast description,” there are, in fact, two different types of text the writer could be referring to: “show description” and “episode description” (the latter sometimes being referred to as “show notes”).

Show Description

The show description is the most critical piece of copywriting you’ll undertake when establishing your podcast. You can also regularly update it when your podcast’s nature (or vibe) changes.

A podcast’s show description is a body of text, typically 1-2 paragraphs long which introduces the overall concept of your show to the audience and any potential listener. When setting up your show, you will be asked to provide one by your podcast media host on the host website.

The goal of writing a show description is to sell your podcast to someone in as short a time as possible. It is, in effect, the digital version of an “elevator pitch.” So make sure you get it right!

Show Notes

Show notes are altogether different from your podcast’s show description. Also known as the podcast description, show notes are found in the text, which appears below each episode on a listener’s chosen podcast player.

Show notes play less of a role in reeling potential listeners than the show description. However, they are still integral as a means of adding additional value to each episode, providing helpful resource links for interested listeners, and increasing the likelihood that your show will turn up in search engine results.

Writing the perfect show notes requires a different approach to writing a show description.

How To Write A Sharp And Engaging Show Description?

Show description is the first thing your audience will see when deciding whether or not to listen to your podcast. You must pay proper attention to the process of writing an excellent show description. The best show descriptions are just 1-2 paragraphs long.

1. Identify Your Target Audience

We can’t win everybody over to our cause; frankly, if your podcast tries to be that broad, it might not survive. ‘Niche’ is the keyword here. We’re trying to appeal to a specific sub-sect of society with both our podcast and our podcast description. It’s crucial to know who your target audience is so that you can write your description keeping them in mind.

2. Define Your Topics

The hook of your show description is the focus of your podcast and why it differs from any other podcast out there. This should be the first thing you do when writing your podcast description: define the topics you will generally be covering. If your show doesn’t have set “topics,” here’s your opportunity to establish what your show does and why that’s unique. You can also use various SEO strategies to come up with topics that your audience is mostly searching for.

3. Create A Format

Different podcasts take on different formats. Some are highly experimental audiobooks, others are chat shows, others are interview podcasts, and still, more are historical narratives. Episodes may vary in length or be a set of 1 hour or 30 minutes. Whatever form your podcast takes, it’s crucial to establish in the show description what listeners can expect. Be upfront and honest, and you will be rewarded.

4. Add Value

What makes your podcast special? Why should someone with an infinite variety of podcast entertainment choose your show, specifically? Your show description is often the only chance you’ll get to persuade a potential listener that your podcast is worth listening to, so choose your words wisely!

5. Establish How Often You Will Release Episodes

Lastly, it would help if you established the schedule you and your podcast will keep with the listener. While this may change with time (remember, you can edit your podcast description at any point), a good podcast has a tight schedule to stick to. Letting listeners know when they can expect a new episode of your show will ensure your day-one downloads peak as high as possible.

How To Write The Perfect Show Notes For Each Episode

Show notes provide the podcast host with the perfect opportunity to capitalize on the success of putting out a good episode: converting happy one-time listeners into loyal lifetime fans.

1. Keep It Short

The best examples of show notes don’t mince their words. They provide all of the information a listener might need, and they do so in as few words as possible. People listen to podcasts on different devices, from computers to tablets and smartphones. A lengthy show description will only put most people off reading it.

2. Make Use Of Keywords

SEO is just as crucial to podcasts as it is to any other form of content, and it’s here that optimization comes into play here – in the show notes. The search functions of podcast apps like Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and iTunes, as well as those of web browsers like Google, will identify podcasts to potential listeners based on keywords such as long tail keywords found in episode descriptions.

3. Use Questions

It’s important to make your podcast episode descriptions as interactive as possible so as not only to make the listener feel that they have a role to play in the formation of the show but also to leave the memory of your show in their mind for as long as possible. A great way to make your show notes interactive is to include questions that are pertinent to that specific episode.

4. Share Highlights

Many times, a podcast episode’s description will be read by a listener before they decide whether or not to tap “Play.” As such, it’s your job to make the episode sound as appealing as possible when writing the show notes. We’d recommend using this space to showcase some of the most entertaining highlights from the episode, preferably as bullet points to keep it short and snappy!

5. Add A Call-To-Action

And finally, just as you did when including questions in the episode description, you should always close with some calls-to-action: persuasive text designed to encourage listeners to continue engaging with your show. A call-to-action could be something as simple as a link to the next episode or a request to share your episode with others who might want to join the community.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Goes Into A Podcast Episode Description?

A podcast episode description (AKA the show notes) should include a brief breakdown of the episode. With episode highlights are prominently featured, followed by timestamps for any crucial parts of the episode, and rounded off with some external links (to your socials, our Patreon, and anything else relevant to, or discussed in the episode).

How Long Should A Podcast Description Be?

Your podcast description is the first thing a potential fan will see when scrolling through their feed, looking for a new podcast to get into. In fact, studies have shown that it is the number one most crucial tell of a worthy podcast for podcast fans. While it needs to be packed with all the correct, enticing information, it should only be about 1-2 paragraphs long.

Where Do You Put Your Podcast Description?

Your podcast description should not be included in your show notes. Rather, it’s embedded in the podcast details you provide to your show host when establishing or updating your podcast. If you use a podcast host like Simplecast, you will input your podcast description in the “Description” box on the “Show Settings” page.


Writing a good podcast description is fundamental to ensuring your podcast stands out from the crowd, gathers an initial loyal following, and grows into the beautiful community you envisaged when you first dreamt up this project.

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