
Best Audio Editing Software for Mac in 2024

7 best audio editing software for Mac. Recast Studio is our top pick for the audio editing software. We have listed pros, cons and price of best audio editors to choose most suitable one for mac users

Apr 10, 2024

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Today, if you want to make podcasts, improve webinar recordings, or spice up video soundtracks, you need good audio editing software. However, when you are a Mac user things get a little tricky. The world of audio editing software for Mac is like a colorful jungle, packed with different choices, all trying to stand out with their cool stuff. 

Moreover, from podcast production to music composition, the demands placed on Mac audio editing software are diverse and ever-evolving. Therefore, it's essential to identify the standout performers that meet users' needs while offering a user-friendly experience. 

Luckily, some of the audio software is proven to be the best, such as:

However, the best audio editing software for Mac in 2024 will be the one that strikes the perfect balance between functionality and accessibility.

So, come along with us as we delve into the leading contenders in the world of audio editing software for Mac, exploring their features and strengths. Let’s jump on this quest to uncover the premier macbook audio editing software in 2024. 

7 Best Audio Editing Software for Mac: Find your perfect fit

Looking for the perfect audio editing software for Mac? Here’s a breakdown of seven top options, including their pros, cons, and pricing details.

  1. Recast Studio

Recast Studio emerges as a premier audio editing software for Mac, boasting top-notch audio editing features tailored specifically for audio podcasts. Leveraging advanced AI technology, Recast Studio ensures precision in processing operations. As a result, this sets it apart in the realm of audio editing tools. 

Feautres of the audio editing tool of recast studio is shown with a sneak peak of the tool

Moreover, unlike its counterparts, Recast Studio provides a comprehensive suite of options. These include:

Thus, it caters to the diverse needs of podcast creators.


  • Advanced AI technology ensures accuracy in processing operations.

  • Tailored specifically for audio podcasts. Thus, it offers specialized features.

  • Additionally, it includes a comprehensive suite of options, including audio editing and audiogram creation.


  • Potential learning curve for users unfamiliar with AI-driven tools.


  • A free trial is available. Its pricing starts from $37 per month for professionals. To know other packages available, visit their official website.

  1. Adobe Audition

Adobe Audition is a professional audio editing software for Mac known for its robust features and seamless integration with other Adobe Creative Cloud applications. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools for recording, editing, mixing, and mastering audio projects. 

Inside the Adobe's audio editing software for Mac, robust features and seamless integration of the tool is shown

As a result, it is popular among professionals in the music and broadcasting industries.


  • Professional-grade features for advanced editing.

  • Seamless integration with other Adobe Creative Cloud applications, and,

  • Extensive audio effects and plugins library.


  • Subscription-based pricing models may be expensive for some users.

  • The steeper learning curve for beginners compared to simpler software options.


  1. Logic Pro X:

Logic Pro X is a versatile digital audio workstation (DAW) software. For those of you who don’t know about DAW, you can learn it from here

Logic Pro X, a top audio editing software is shown editing  the audio of Joe Rogen's  Podcast

Logic Pro X offers a wide range of tools for music production, audio recording, editing, and mixing. Moreover, with its intuitive interface and powerful features, Logic Pro X is suitable for both beginners and experienced musicians alike. 

As a result, Logic Pro X is also regarded as the top audio editing software for Mac.


  • A comprehensive suite of tools for music production and audio editing.

  • Intuitive interface suitable for both beginners and professionals.

  • Moreover, it offers an extensive collection of virtual instruments and effects.


  • Exclusive to Mac users, limiting accessibility for PC users, as a result, a project cannot be transferred.

  • Moreover, the initial cost may be prohibitive for some users.


  1. GarageBand:

GarageBand is a free audio editing software for Mac OS X. It is a digital audio workstation (DAW) developed by Apple for macOS and iOS devices. GarageBand offers a user-friendly interface and basic editing tools. 

Inside view of a podcast clip maker called Garage Band

Thus, this makes it ideal for beginners and casual users. Furthermore, GarageBand also includes a variety of virtual instruments, loops, and pre-made sounds to help users get started with music creation.


  • Free audio editing software for Mac users.

  • Beginner-friendly interface with basic editing tools, and,

  • Integration with iCloud for easy access to projects across devices.


  • Limited features compared to professional-grade software.


  • Included with macOS for free.

  1. Audacity:

Audacity is a free, open-source audio editing software for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Just like others, it also offers a wide range of features for recording, editing, and mixing audio tracks. 

macbook audio editing software Audcaity is show with features of its tools to edit any podcast

However, due to its open-source nature, it is popular among podcasters, musicians, and sound engineers. Furthermore, despite its simple interface, Audacity is capable of handling complex audio editing tasks with ease.


  • Open-source and free-to-use.

  • Wide range of audio editing and recording features.

  • Furthermore, cross-platform compatibility (works on Mac, Windows, and Linux) is possible.


  • The interface may appear outdated compared to other software.

  • Moreover, more customer support compared to paid options is needed.


  • Free to download and use.

  1. Pro Tools:

Pro Tools is the most used audio editing software for Mac. It is an industry-standard digital audio workstation (DAW) used in professional recording studios and post-production facilities worldwide. 

Pro tools is shown with its audio editing features and functionlities for mac os x

It offers advanced features such as:

  • Turn audio to MIDI and vice-versa.

  • Fine-tune MIDI performances, and,

  • Tweak audio timing and pitch.

As a result, this audio editing software for Mac is the go-to choice for professional audio engineers and producers. 


  • Industry-standard Macbook audio editing software used in professional recording studios.

  • Advanced features for audio mixing, editing, and mastering, and,

  • Extensive plugin support for customization.


  • Steeper learning curve compared to simpler software options


  1. Soundtrap:

Soundtrap is a cloud-based audio editing software for Chromebook and Mac devices. It offers collaborative features for real-time editing with multiple users. Thus, this makes it ideal for remote collaboration and online music production. 

audio editing software for chromebook - Soundtrap

Moreover, with its beginner-friendly interface and extensive library of loops and virtual instruments, Soundtrap is a suitable audio editing software chromebook. 


  • Cloud-based audio editing software for Mac and Chromebook.

  • Collaborative features for real-time editing with multiple users.

  • Additionally, it comes with a beginner-friendly interface along with pre-made loops and virtual instruments.


  • Limited offline functionality without internet access, and,

  • Basic compared to more feature-rich desktop software.


  • Although Soundtrap is not a free audio editing software for Chromebook, it offers a free trial. Moreover, subscription plans start at $7.99 per month. 

How to edit audio on Mac? Step-by-step guide for audio editing on macOS:

Editing audio can be done using a variety of audio editing software for Mac. These include Recast Studio, GarageBand, and Audacity. Here's a general guide on how to edit audio on a Mac using Recast Studio:

  1. Sign Up or Log In:

    Firstly, visit the Recast Studio website and sign up for an account or log in if you already have one.

    Signiing into the top audio editing podcast for macbook

  2. Upload Your Audio File:

Secondly, navigate to the dashboard or the area designated for uploading audio files. Thereafter, upload the audio file you want to edit by either copy-pasting the link or using the provided upload button.

Uploading the Joe Rogen's audio from one of his podcast to edit in Recast's audio editing software
  1. Edit Your Audio:

After uploading your audio file, you'll be taken to the editing interface. Use the editing tools provided by Recast Studio to trim, cut, and splice your audio clips as needed. 

A podcaster is editing the audio of Joe Rogen's podcast inside the recast's audio editing software on a chromebook

Moreover, apply effects, adjust volume levels, and fine-tune the audio to your preferences using the available tools and settings. 

Recast Studio is an all-in-one audio editing software for Mac. Therefore, you have access to a plethora of additional tools for creating audiograms, generating transcripts, or analyzing your audio content.

  1. Preview and Review:

After that, preview your edited audio to ensure it meets your expectations. Additionally, listen to the entire audio clip or specific segments to check for any errors or areas that need further editing.

Preview of a audio of Joe Rogen's podcast from a audio editing project going on a mac inside recast studio
  1. Manage Your Projects:

Lastly, after editing your audio, you can manage your projects within the Recast Studio platform. Organize your edited audio files, track revisions, and access previous versions as needed.

Multiple projects of a podcast's audio editing inside recast's audio editing tool is shown on a Mac to show it's mutiple project managing capability


In conclusion, the world of audio editing software for Mac offers a diverse array of options, each with its own set of features and strengths. As a result, Mac users have the option to choose from a plethora of tools for editing audio with ease. 

Moreover, as technology evolves, newer options like Recast Studio are emerging, offering innovative features like AI-driven processing for enhanced precision. So whether you're looking to produce podcasts or enhance video soundtracks, the best audio editing software for Mac is the one that balances functionality and accessibility.

FAQs on Audio Editing Software for Mac: 

  1. Does Mac have a free video editor?

Yes, Mac computers come with iMovie, which is a free video editing software pre-installed on macOS.

  1. What is the best audio editing software for Mac?

The best audio editing software for Mac depends on your specific needs and preferences, but popular options include Recast Studio, Logic Pro X, and Adobe Audition.

  1. How can I edit audio on my Mac for free?

You can edit audio on your Mac for free using software like GarageBand, and Audacity. However, due to their free nature, they might not offer advanced features. In that case, software like Recast Studio can be a good choice with its free trial options. 

  1. What is the most used audio editing software for Mac?

Adobe Audition is widely regarded as one of the most used audio editing software for Mac. However, particularly in professional settings, due to its extensive features, complexity, and capabilities. As a result, it is only recommended for professionals.

  1. What software is best for podcast editing?

The best software for podcast editing depends on your specific requirements, but popular choices include Recast Studio as it is made specifically for podcast users. You can learn more about podcast editing softwares.

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